

by - February 07, 2019


Have you tried Korean Food? Spicy and sweet at the same time. You can get it now at Ojju Malaysia. It's located at NU Sentral, Kuala Lumpur (KL Sentral). To all Korean fans, you guys have to visit and have a taste at this superb restaurant to try our signature Rolling Cheese Chicken and Ribs, Budae Jjigae, Dosirak, Taco & Burger with Kimchi slaw, delicious Banchan selection & famous Bingsoo!

First of all, I want to introduce a little bit about Ojju Malaysia. This restaurant is new to Malaysia as it was opened last October (2018). But, not surprisingly Ojju has 27 branches in Indonesia. They serve the best Korean food in the world!



Ojju's Chicken Rolling Cheese is special with Chicken Wings, Fries and Mozzarella Cheese. The chicken is already deep-fried same goes to fries. It comes with the flavour options of BBQ Spicy, Honey Spicy & Butter Orange. Types of chicken only have two options, Chicken Wings & Chicken Drumsticks. The taste of Chicken Rolling Cheese with BBQ Sauce is extremely delicious. It tastes sweet spicy and crunchy! The prices is affordable tho.



This Cheesy Korean Fried Rice is pathetic! It has sea-weed, love-shape egg, rice of course and mozzarella cheese. The taste is delicious and will knock you out! The aroma is so warmly. Heheh. give a try. Its enough for 3 pax! It's only RM11.90 so cheap meh!



All bingsoo (dessert) at Ojju have a name inspired by K-Pop groups. This Bingsoo name was inspired by one of the K-Pop group, Girls Generation. The snow ice so smooth 'giler' and tasty enough to sweet up your tummy. Tutti-Frutti combines Strawberry, Mango and Kiwi. All of them is fresh tho. It costs RM19.90 affordable price for a dessert (3 pax)



Have you guys tried tea with corn flavour? This is my frist time try it! It's new for me and the aroma of corn is yummy! It's refreshing & fresh! 

There's more menu serves at Ojju Malaysia. Come and experience Ojju Korean Food with your loves one. Don't forget to share it with your friends and k-pop fans too. Give a thumbs up (like) Facebook Page Ojju Malaysia. Share your happiness and photos with #OjjuMalaysia #Ojju #KFood 


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  1. Been there.. nothing too great.. the cheesy chicken tu pun mcm mehhh... je... but x dapat plak try the cheesy korean fried rice.. maybe should have ordered that.. haha

  2. Nice for eating K-Food. LeYa also love Korean food so much and sometimes, once a week must go to Korean restaurant for taste it.. Hahaha.. Really "giler" kan..

  3. memang penggemar korean food ni...saya so so ja hihi..lagipun sni susah nk jmpa..kalau nk pegi pon kena seberang jambatan..

  4. byk btul skarang restoran korea...biasa mkn menu korea ni ayam goreng korea...nanti bole try restoran ni plak..dessert tu yummmyy

  5. The rice looks yummy. Not really into korean food but I like trying new food.

  6. The most "korean" food i've ever taste is Seoul Garden lol. Tapi comey ngat aihhh Egg bentuk Love tuuu Hahaha.

  7. Sejak dh pandai makan makanan korea ni....dh tersuka plak dgn makanan korea ni....boleh ajk ank laa p makan sini...

  8. Bingso dan chicken cheese tu mmg nampak sedap giler. Dahla kita peminat makanan korea hehe

  9. Tak pernah lagi cuba makan kat sini walaupun ada gak ke NU Centrel. Nanti bolehlah sis cuba kalau ke area sana lg..mmg minat makanan korea ni

  10. Wow...looks yummy! I love cheese!! I need to go here soon.

  11. Menarik menarik juga makanan korea ni kan. Tapi tak pernah lagi rasa. Sebab tak tahu serasi dengan tekak ke tidak. Hehe

  12. I've been to OJJU once and totally in love with their prep method and the food itself! I went to the one in NU Sentral.

  13. seriously, i haven't tried any korean food.
    teringin!!! have to go to KL la nanti. ajak asben pekena seround korean food.
    asyik layan drama korea, agak geram tgk makanan diorang.
    menarik. nama nyer pun unik nak sebut :)

  14. Bestnya makanan kt Ojju ni. Hei dah macam kt Kfry. hahaha. Boleh la try nnti makan sini dengan family. Kite mmg suke makan korea korea ni.hehehe

  15. korean food memang tengah in sekarang. tempat ni pun famous sebab menyediakan makanan pure korean.. untung la dpt pegi. hehe

  16. Baca entry ni terus rasa teringin nak try makan kat ojju. selalu je pergi nu sentral, tapi tak pernah makan kat ojju. Nanti lepas next gaji nak try la makan sini.

  17. Have yet to try Ojju - I love eating out at any Korean's outlets because their presentations are always beautiful and very tempting.

  18. I love Korean food! Definitely gonna try these on the next time I go to NU Sentral. It was such a great place to open up their first branch.

  19. Wah sedap gila the chicken so crispy lama gila i tak join food review ni.. hahaa dah tak laku dah kita... tak pe nanti i pergi ngan my family to try out the dishes wee...
