

by - February 07, 2019


What are you cooking today? Have you tried Italian Seafood Laksa? Let me share with you my experience preparing Italian Seafood Laksa using organic products from Alce Nero. I have joined a cooking competition of Cooking Right, Looking Good in 2019 by Alce Nero at Berjaya University College. There are 23 bloggers and influencers donned their chef hats and aprons where all of us having a cooking war in preparing three dishes in just three hours! It's an amazing experience for me and my friends to get a chance to be trained by a professional Chef, Chef Athira who is one of Chef Lecturer at Berjaya University College and have studied culinary arts at Italy. This event was jointly organized with 100COMMENTS, the nation’s leading independent review platform, and co-sponsored by OILUMNUTRIVA, and EUBOS

Organic, Healthy Products 

Before I start telling you about the cooking experience, let me share you about Alce Nero. Established in 1978, Alce Nero boasts of nearly 300 organic products from pasta, rice, tomato pulp, and sauces, vegetables, legumes, and puréed soups, biscuits and fruit juice, fruit preserves, and honey, as well as vegetable drinks and a baby-food line. According to Mr Nathan Deverre, Strategic Marketing Advisor, Ayam Brand Malaysia, the products which are grown and processed in Italy on fields that are free of chemicals and pesticides. I recommend all of you to use Alce Nero's products as it is organic, no preservatives, and healthy for us. 

Mr Nathan Deverre is explaining about Alce Nero's products.

Me with Mr Nathan (Strategic Marketing Advisor, Ayam Brand Malaysia) and Chef Khairunnisak Athira (Chef Lecturer, Berjaya University College)

Alce Nero's wholesome products.
(Strawberry Jam, Wildflower Honey, Tomato Sause, Vinegar)

I am so excited to use Alce Nero's products in my cooking competition. Let's cooking!

Time To Set Kitchen On Fire 🔥

Oh no! I don't even know how to cook! There's a lot of ingredients here. Help me cooks Italian Seafood Laksa. What should I do with all these ingredients? Chop it? Blend it? Or throw it. A lot of new knowledge I have learnt from Chef Athira, she is such a superwoman in the kitchen. She knows what's good to make better dishes. 

Oh thank you, God, he sends me Chef Athira to guide me with preparing all the dishes.

~ Chinese Strawberry Jam Cakes ~

First, let us bake Chinese Strawberry Jam Cakes. Traditionally pineapple are used but this can be replaced with strawberry Jam for this CNY all-time favourite. Let's baking with vainz! Chef Athira teaches us to mix all the ingredient and use hands to smooth it. 

Me is using my fabulous skill in preparing Chinese Strawberry Jam Cake.

Chinese Strawberry Jam Cakes by Group 6

~ Italian Seafood Laksa ~

The main course is Italian Seafood Laksa. I haven't tried this kind of laksa in my life. But, let's give a try, right? We have been giving scallops and tiger prawn as wet ingredients. Me and my crew try our best to prepare this new kind of laksa by using spaghetti. There's a lot of steps to follow in order to have a delicious taste of laksa. I didn't use blender due to many groups book for one blender. What I do? I chopped all the ingredients. It's more traditionally. 

Mizi, Me and Murni cooperate in preparing Italian Seafood Laksa.

Italian Seafood Laksa by Group 6 

~ Tri-Color Asian Pasta Salad ~

This appetizer is simple as ABC, you guys should try this at home. Not to forget use Alce Nero's Pasta. The combination of organic pasta, green peas, carrot, chillies and tuna flakes with mayo is superbly delicious.



For your information, all 23 bloggers and influencers are divided into 8 groups, Al of the dishes served by all of us is judged by Chef Athira and Mr Nathan Deverre. Group 6 did not have luck this time. :( But we still enjoy the event.


~ NUTRIVA ~Boosting Inner Health & Beauty

We were also treated with the Nutriva® Nutritional Yeast, which was liberally sprinkled on our salad and laksa dishes, which subtly enhanced the flavours. Nutritional yeasts are naturally rich in proteins and dietary fibres, as well as containing a significant level of vitamins and minerals.

Nutriva® MoriHeal Plus Rejuvenating Botanical Beverage and Nutriva® Nutritional Yeast, the two delicious products to supplement your daily nutritional needs

~ OILUM ~Olive Oil & Collagen Goodness for Dry Skin

Oilum has won a lot of awards as it great products. Oilum is so suitable to those who have dry skin. The collagen will keep our skin as beautiful as roses.

Me with Mr Andrew Tan, Director of MD Pharma

~ EUBOS ~Skin Care Products From Germany

EUBOS Basic Skin Care range consists of cleansing and care products for every skin type. The proven dermatological active ingredients protect the biosphere of the skin and provide emollient and moisture. The EUBOS Sensitive Skin range is designed specifically for sensitive dry, easily irritable skin.



All bloggers and influencers.

All bloggers and influencers with Mr Nathan and Chef Athira.

Mr Nathan, Chef Athira and her students.

Let's enjoy our lunch with friends!

Satisfied face for the foods. Hehe.

This awesome events organized by 100Comments have close our friendship among bloggers and influencers. Big applause and thanks to the organizer for the events. It gives us such a sweet memory and experience. Don't forget to give thumbs up and likes My100Comments Facebook page.

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  1. Dah macam dlm rancangan masterchef dah gaya memasak..semuanya nampak sedap dan menyelerakan..

    1. Heheh, dalam gambar je bergaya macam chef. Belakang camera tak cukup tangan berperang macam nak pecah kitchen. Hahahha

  2. Pernah join aktiviti memasak dengan majalah Jelita + Chef Wan. Tak kering gusi dibuatnya tapi Chef Wan je yang memasak. Lagi satu join dengan Volkswagen. Haaa yang ni saya memasak dengan tunjukajar Chef kat depan. Best. Lepas masak boleh makan apa yg kita masak tu.

    1. Wah! Bestnya berpeluang tengok Chef Wan masak live. zul teringin sangat!
      Oh Volkswagen pun ada buat? Masak menu apa haritu? Mesti sedap.

  3. Menarik. Boleh belajar skill memasak dan masak menu baru ni. Nampak sedap Italian Seafood Laksa tu. Nak try sebab kegemaran Qiss. Chinese Strawberry Jam Cakes pun nampak sedap juga. Mungkin Qiss boleh cuba, tapi awak la tolong masak ye.

    1. Heheh, boleh je Qiss, Nanti zul masakkan Italian Seafood Laksa dengan Strawberry Cakes. bahan ada lagi, tunggu masa je takde. Heheh

  4. Interesting. I love cooking too. But not to this masterchef level..lol..very interesting activity

    1. Heheh, I'm pretty sure u are good in cooking. Just join any cooking events, maybe we can change idea of cooking?

  5. Wow bestnya main masak2. Sedap tak masak tu? hehehe. Actually bagus ad event mcm ni atleast kite dpt bnyk knowledge pasal masakan kan. Hehehe

  6. Bestnya dapat join event masak-masak cam ni. Terasa macam dalam rancangan mastercef je kan..meriah sungguh. Sis tengok gambar laksa italy tu cam laksa johor je cuma bahan dia kerang n udang. Nampak cam sedap je..errr sedap ke? hehehe
