by - November 27, 2019

Holla beautiful people 👋,

How you doing today? And how lucky you are today? Today I wanna share you the story about Chinese Metaphysics that is well-known in Chinese belief. Have you guys heard about Feng Shui, Destiny Analysis (BaZi), Forecasting (Qi Men Dun Jia) and Reiki Training? 

Chinese Metaphysics

Feng Shui
Feng Shui 风水 system was developed by our ancestors to guide and help us live harmoniously with the environment.
A good and healthy environment produces not only a healthy body but good wealth opportunities and harmonious relationships. Therefore, it is utmost important to determine the type of Qi in the environment that we are living in order to understand how much good Qi flow our property can potentially receive if aligned properly towards it.
The property must firstly be in harmony with the environmental Qi of the current period prior to matching it with the occupant (from the date of birth) of the property. Yes, the property has to be matched with the occupant’s Ba Zi to determine if it is beneficial to him or her. The environment may have the best Qi but if it does not match you, you will not be able to harness and benefit from it at all.
It is important to find out when the property is first occupied in order to determine the Feng Shui natal chart or birth chart of the property.

Ba Zi 八字 is a direct translation from two Chinese words that means eight characters. These eight characters are the date and time of the birth of an individual in the ancient Chinese calendar which is no longer in use anymore. The combination of these eight characters forms an individual’s personal astrology chart that is used to analyze the individual’s characteristics and personal luck. It is categorized into 12 animal zodiac signs and 5 elements like metal, wood, water, fire and earth for easier study. Contrary to popular belief, the new year of a Ba Zi chart officially starts on 4 February every year, beginning of Spring solstice and not on the first day of Chinese New Year.
Ba Zi 八字 was believed to be derived from notes left behind by Liu Bo Wen 刘伯温, the famous strategist of the first Ming Emperor. It was believed that Liu had played an enormous role in founding The Ming Dynasty.
This analysis system can be used in the modern and corporate world to help individuals understand themselves better and make the most out of their strength and potentials. It is a very useful tool for selecting the right people for the right job.
Unlike the modern personality profiling systems where individuals are required to answer a set of questionnaires in which they may fake the results by purposely distorting their answers, Ba Zi only requires the person’s date and time of birth to give you an accurate personality assessment. Without time, you are still able to assess the personality accurately except the individual’s desires.

Qi Men Dun Jia
Qi Men Dun Jia 奇门遁甲 is one of the most superior system in Chinese Metaphysics.  It was exclusively used by strategists and Emperors to help them claim victories in their wars especially apparent during the “Three Kingdom” era.  Zhu Ge Liang 诸葛亮 was known to be one of the most successful Qi Men strategist during his time.
In the past, this knowledge was reserved exclusively for the elites only but now just like the “Sun Tzu Art of War”, the theories and teachings had been translated into modern business terminology to help entrepreneurs and senior executives make better decisions in executing the right strategies at the right time.
Therefore, this serves to improve your opportunities by providing you guidance of doing the right thing and being at the right place at the right time. You win by deploying the right strategy at the right time.

Your Metaphysics Consultant
Amanda Leong

First and foremost, let me share you more about Amanda Leong. Amanda have worked herself for more than 20 years all the way to the top as a General Manager in a multi-national organization and holds a Master's in Business Administration from the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. She has led her company to be one of the prominent ground operators in the world-renowned Formula One event. She has a lot of business strategic management skills during her time and also has a strong sense of business acumen.

Amanda has made the bold decision to step away from a  high paying corporate job to spend more time on things that really mattered in her life, like health and overall well-being. She started learning and practised Chinese Metaphysics since 2009 and today she is a professional Feng Shui master and consultant with a goal to improve people's life using Feng Shui, BaZi and Qi Men Dun Jia.

To better equip herself as a Profiling Trainer in 2020, she is in the midst of preparing and getting herself ready to be an HRDF certified trainer. At the same time, she is invited as a speaker for some global event participated by thousands of people just to share her successful experiences as a metaphysics consultant in order to help others improve their life.

"The improvement of my client who has been following my advice diligently is giving me a great sense of fulfilment in my course of work now." -Amanda Leong

Amanda Leong Consultancy was newly and officially set up in July 2019 due to the recent exponential growth of Amanda's business in metaphysics consulting which she has been practising for the past 10 years.

The consulting firm is set up specifically to cater for the growing needs and demands of corporate clients and individuals who prefer to deal with a company compared to an individual as proper invoicing are required by their finance departments for billing and payment purposes.

The services provided:
👉 Feng Shui Consultation
👉 Destiny Analysis (BaZi)
👉 Forecasting Consultation (Qi Men Den Jia)
👉 Business Packages - recruitment/selection of staff
👉 Feng Shui Talks - engagement
👉 Reiki Training Class - an alternative healing method
👉 Profiling Training Class

If you are interested to join or have any enquiry, kindly reach them by:

Amanda Leong
Metaphysics Consultant


Phone: +6016-337 8221

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  1. Bila tiba akhir tahun pasti ramai orang khususnya golongan Tionghua mencari pakar Feng Shui untuk membuat

  2. Menarik juga ya Chinese Metaphysics Strategically. Sesuatu yang baru sebab sebelum ni tak pernah dengar. Tq share atleast bertambah jugak knowledge Sal

  3. wow zul mudanya la hai feng sui founder, mau cari ong lah ini macam

  4. Bagus untuk kita mengetahui budaya bangsa lain dan menghormatinya kerana kita juga mahukan kefahaman dari mereka. Maka sudahnya saling menghormati kan. Boleh juga dirujuk tapi jangan terlalu mempercayai kan

  5. Dah nak tahun baru ni kenalar tahu cabaran tahun depan kan. So boleh lah dapat panduan dengan chinese metaphysics ni.

  6. Takut kita hari ni belajar satu perkara baru dalam dunia metaphysics dengan seorang yang pakar dan juga begitu dalam ilmunya. Kena masuk kelas ni baru kita betul-betul faham hehehehe

  7. Menarik pasal metaphysics ini.. AM baru tau.. Boleh la roger Roger pada member.. Hujung tahun nie sesuai la buat dia..

  8. Untuk kaum cina memang mereka akan cek setiap kali hujung tahun. Mereka akan lebih bersedia untuk cabaran pada masa hadapan.

  9. Feng shui pernah dengar tapi yang lain tu first time dengar. Thanks share info bermanfaat ni. Boleh tambah ilmu & kenal budaya dan adat kaum lain

  10. Tak pernah lagi mencuba tapi tu la selalu juga kalau nak masuk rumah .. ada fengshui yang perlu ambil beratkan mengikut kepercayaan... bagus lah ada servis ni sesiapa yang nak Cuba boleh contact..

  11. Menarik tau feng shui nie kalau kita dengar dan fahamkan betul2. Adalah baiknya. Bestlah dpt peluang tahu mengenai benda nie dari pakar. Bertuah Xul !

  12. Mmg menarik kalau kita boleh mndalami maklumat ttg budaya org lain, spt fngshui dan sebagainya

  13. kalau ikutkan keluarga mek sebelah cina memang mereka berpegang teguh jugaklah kepada perkara ini. tapi kita yang islam dengar je la. itu ramalan dalam agama mereka. hehe.
