
Celebrate Chinese New Year at Dolly Dim Sum

by - January 27, 2019


Are you excited to celebrate the Chinese New Year? Me is so excited to celebrate this festive with all my friends. This year is gonna be best one where I will celebrate it at Dolly Dim Sum and had our Yu Sang with the great taste from top chef. What special about Dolly's yu sang is they serves with crispy fish skin and homemade plum sauce. It's so colourful and tasty too. Super duper delicious.

This Chinese New Year 2019, Dolly Dim Sum will celebrate the "Beauty of Togetherness" as in today's modern hectic life, nothing brings more joy than coming together with friends and family over a delicious meal. They gonna serve you a special menu for CNY! Come and celebrate with Dolly Dim Sum from January 22 till February 19 of 2019. Here I give you the menu that they serves.

There is a lots of Chinese New Year dishes served by Dolly Dim Sum. The first dish I grab was Belacan Crab Fried Rice. This fried rice is so delicious and appetizing. I can taste and smell the aroma of belacan. Oh yeah, the crab was super fresh! The colour of this fried rice looks spicy as it taste.

Let's go for the next dish! It's Prosperity Dumpling! Another well-known dish, dumplings are the northern equivalent of spring rolls. They are eaten during each special occasion, but are the most significant during CNY.

Next one is salted egg yolk fish crackers! The taste is so gantastic. The combination of salted egg and fish crackers is brilliant! 

What is good to taste the Lucky Carrots! This carrot-shaped pastry stuffed with sweet red bean filling. It's kinda cute and tasty in the inside.

My favourite dim sum gonna be Siu Mai. This authentic dim sum is so tasty and filled with wonderful meat and shrimp.

It's good to taste the wonderful Lunar Blossom, mocktail infusion of chamomile tea, peach and fresh watermelon. Also the Baked Mini Egg Tarts. It's oven baked flaky egg custard puff pastry. It's superb delicious.

Maybe some of you have no idea yet who is Dolly, right? Dolly is a beautiful woman who inspires with dim sum. Her painting is on the walls of each Dolly Dim Sum outlets. Lim Meng Jan and Meng Ju are the founder and operators of Asia Mex Concepts S/B, which owns the brands Dolly Dim Sum, Fresca Mexican Kitchen & Bar and Bankara Ramen.

Thanks for having me! 

In addition, I found a gorgeous photographer with sweetest smile on her. 

Don't miss out to celebrate The Chinese New Year or having your lunch and dinner at Dolly Dim Sum! They serves you a tasty foods with love and passions.

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  1. Nampak menarik! Kita suka Dim sum siew mai dan eggs puff pastry.. Harga OK tak?
    Tapi di mana yaa Dolly Dim Sum ni. Ada alamat or link tuk refer?

  2. Waaa dolly dim sum. My family favourite restaurant , well .. almost every month we come to this restaurant. And this is only restaurant we really enjoy dim sum dishes.. for me even hotels can’t compete them.. totally different level of dim sum... aghhh so jelly with u....

  3. I love dim sum. Especially bila ada banyak pilihan macam ni. Should go and try here one day

  4. Wahhh mesti sedap dim sum ni....pada yg suka sgt dim sum ni boleh laa dtg ke tempat ni...banyak pilihan...

  5. Sis pun suka makan Dim Sum, tapi tak pernah lagi cuba kat Dolly Dim Sum ni..nanti nak gi cuba lah..terliur pulak tengok makanan kat atas ni

  6. Oh my. Those dishes make me drooling and make me wanna go and eat there for lunch. Happy CNY to all - next time bring me along to Dolly Dim Sum ok.

  7. Oh my .. .i love dim sum and egg tart too. Kalau ada masa dan kesempatan nanti nak try juga makan di Dolly Dim Sum ni. Nampak menatik dan sedap ke semua menu yang disediakan

  8. Emi penggemar dim sum, so memang suka gila makan kat dolly dim sum ni. Dia punya egg tart tu pun sedap. Dah lama dah emi tak makan sini. Nanti next week nak ke sini la

  9. The dim sum looks delicious, I'm salivating! LOL. Yeah, I kinda like the togetherness of the CNY with their reunion dinner and the tossing of yee sang.

  10. Wah so tempting. All the menu looks so yummy. Worth to try. I tak pernah makan lagi yeesang. Maybe should try it. Dim sum is one of my fav!

  11. hahaha i also curious who is dolly. the food looks good, too bad as hokkien we dont celebrate cny with dimsum, that's more like a cantonese thing i guess. anyway hopefully they open one in penang too

  12. Awak ajar lah kita makan.. ahahaha..kita tak reti makan sebab tak pernah makan..

  13. selalu nampak orang makan dimsum, teringin nak makan juga..belum pernah makan lagi..tak tau mana dimsum yang sedap..kang tersalah pilih pelik pulak rasa dia..hehee

  14. Wak! Favourite kita Dim Sum tu! Nasib baik loni mudah je nak dapatkan kan. Ramai jugak dah makan dekat Dolly Dim Sum ni kan.

  15. Alaaaa ruginya tak pergi ! Nampak meriah betul yer acara pembukaan Dolly Dim sum nie. Kemainn ye ikut tema CNY. Ramai kata dim sum dekat sni sedap. Nanti ada masa nk cuba makan di situ

  16. Dim sum is one of my fav chinese foods! All the dim sum shown look very tempting. Hehehe. I wish i can go there soon. Laparrr!!!! hehehe

  17. cara hidangan makanan tu berkelas sungguh ! cuma egg tarts tu saya tak berani nak makan, takut rasa telur kuat sgt ^^ :)

  18. Aduiii.. Teirnginnya nak rasa yee sang tu.. Xpernah lagi rasa.. Mesti sedap kan... Dim sum mmg xyah cita la. Fav akak tuuuu

  19. wow! I would love to have hv a meal in dolly dim sum too... yee sang looks lovely and delicious.. yummy!
